Unleashing your inner priestess takes devotion to being fully and truly YOU. Here are the practices that will get you there on a consistent basis!
The heart work – emotional mastery
Heart work is one of the most crucial pieces of self work any empath or intuitive can add to their practices. But it’s often the case that we use meditation and practices to band aid our emotions without really every working with them. My work is focused on the benefits of working with emotions and emotional patterns so that we can release them, not avoid them, but truly heal them…
Centering is a heck of a lot more than simply gathering your thoughts or coming to a zen point of releasing thought. It’s even more than gathering your energy around you. I haven’t met a Llewellyn book yet that adequately covers the practice of centering. It’s not simply a meditation or even mental concept to ruminate about.
Is grounding only about ridding ourselves of negativity, depression, anxiety, or excess energies? I don’t think so. What is this “too much energy” we all experience that we need these practices for? If we can experience this “too much energy” state after ritual, energy work, or even while we’re in the creative flow, isn’t what we’re talking about Divine energy?
Spiritual leadership
When I knew how I wanted to feel, I was able to drop the pity me kind of stories that might have put up resistance to being open and flexible. Staying in joy, also meant that I needed to untroubled, in a state of receptivity to the what the moment brings. And in that I also saw how each and every moment, the only place we actually LIVE from, is the perfect place to be, to begin from, to say YES to. It would only be my fears and self doubt that made me think that each moment is not part of the flow of all that is around me.
Intuitive Mastery
Being Intuitive is our natural state of being, it’s our default nature. Being intuitive is not random, hit or miss, or even a blessing. It is our default nature because we are being enmeshed within a greater energy field(s)(the Divine), much like a fish within the ocean waters.
Energy cleansing, management, and self care
Putting ourselves first is always the first step to claiming your personal power and ability to manifest.
Read more about energy cleansing, management, and self care here
“To walk the path of the priestess is to become a spiritual leader of self and others.
She has the skills to help those in need, because she’s healed her own life (or is at least committed to the process herself).
She knows how and when to stand her ground.
She knows how to manage her time, passion, abundance flows, and energy.
She invites and welcomes those who are in need, and helps them get back on their path toward healing.
She isn’t afraid to be seen for who she is or the depth of her soul and feelings because she knows her immense heart is her greatest asset and gift.
She dreams large and will push her edges to grow into manifesting those dreams.
She shows up every day ready to help, trusting the Divine to be in partnership with her.
She rallies people with a larger vision, giving them inspiration, encouragement, and direction.”