Desire isn’t only about sex and romance. Desire is about wanting, longing, aching for something. It contains the seeds for life purpose, our Super Secret Powers. Desire is one of the powers of Love, potent, exhilarating, and always heartfelt. But it can consume us if we let it. It can be innocent, but it can also be wild. What is your relationship to your deep, soulful, intense desires?
The longing, the ache, the fire that eats at you. It has us so shaken that we are weak from the wanting. The burning need to fill that void deep within you, to overflow with power and passion. We think we need it so badly that we can’t live without it. It’s totally frustrating and bewildering when you don’t understand it. The dream that holds you safe at night. Sometimes you can’t decide if it’s the thing that is leading you to Heaven or Hell. In that lightning fast moment between clarity and inspiration, it strikes.
I’m talking about DESIRE, with a capital “D”.
Like fear, sometimes the message of desire can trick our bodies into believing something is wrong. It feels like desire is telling us that we are missing something that we desperately need to have in order to survive. But most times, that desperately desirous feeling doesn’t do any real good. To be desirous is a natural state and it’s usually one based in love or concern. Yet, desperation is born out of fear. Living out of desperation is living in a state where we are starving our soul and emotions. In desperation, you will never feel full, satisfied nor well. This is especially true when we are fixed on desiring external things like other people’s reactions or even things.
Healthy Desire is focused inward.
Healthy Desire speaks to love, not fear.
Most of the time when you think of something we want, what you really are chasing is a feeling. For example, while you may want money to pay some bills off, what you really want is to feel:
All those feelings just from paying off some bills!
What would happen if you intentionally used those feelings to keep yourself motivated and working toward your goal?
Finding your big “Why” helps you get in touch with your power and passion…your desire. But using our beautiful and powerful emotional why’s to push ourselves into doing things might hate, like making follow up phone calls or doing some booth work, doesn’t work for long.
We can bully ourselves into just about anything for a short while.
We can suck it up, right? Tell ourselves that it doesn’t matter how we feel about it, we just have to do it to make the sale, build the widget, or deal with life.
But do we?
Your persistence might get you somewhat closer to where you want to be. But because we tried so hard, struggled the whole way, fought ourselves for every inch forward, it’s going to feel like enough to fulfill. Not in the long term. You are going to get tired fast.
What would happen if you used that beautiful and powerful “why” to do something that makes you feel truly powerful and empowering?
There is a big difference between generating power to make yourself do something and then generating power to do something you actually and truly desire to do. Wouldn’t it be doubly powerful to generate all those good feelings around your effort to do something you truly desire?
True Desire is lasting.
True Desire is more than a house, label, or status.
Desire is more than a quick to fulfill need.
Desire is succulent.
Desire is inspirational.
Desire is motivational.
Desire is transcendent.
Desire is engaging.
Desire is in-line with the needs of the universe and the Divine.
But Desire is satisfying in the same way biological hunger is satisfied—continuously.
You live with desire as we live with hunger, in the present moment, with wisdom and moderation, choosing what sounds good from one meal to the next. You need to keep feeding ourselves and our desires. That doesn’t mean you binge, taking a trip to the all you can eat smorgasbord of soulful bliss which feeds our desire and raises our vibe, like an athlete bulking up before the season starts.
It means you make a desire (and power for that matter) meal plan—a way to satisfy that hunger for the moment and keep us moving. Like any other successful meal plan, our power and desire meal plan should take into account our long-term goals and our daily cravings. I like to call them Rites of Being, in the Dreamcasting your year course.
You need to learn to seek the balance of Desire and Fulfillment. As long as your alive, you will desire something. But knowing that Desire is just soul’s urging to go get it, to feel fulfilled by it, can stop the whole feeling hunt we’ve on. At that point, you can begin lining up the plan that’s going to give you fuel feeling continually fulfilled.
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