Take a in depth look at radiance, the foundation of your power and desire machine, your positive energy practices! But filling up your power and guidance core is more than just filling your life with self-help tools or techniques for relaxation and meditation. It’s about making time in your day to check in with yourself to see where you are and where you want to be. How are you going to tap into your radiance?
I’m jazzing things up a bit this week. This week’s video is short and to the point, I’m trying keep things simple for you and me both and make sure I’m having fun with my content, so that you will have fun with! I wanted my work to be RADIANT! Let me know what you think in the comments below!!
First is the podcast, which this week has the actual content. You can listen to it from this page or download the audio file!
And here’s this week’s video! It left me with the warm fuzzies, I hope you made you feel the same!
When you are ready to use your radiance to power your life, book an Intuitive Life Coaching Session!
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