As I lurk around the cybersphere in groups and in conversations with friends the topic of shields and protection almost always seems to comes up. Now this may sound radical and counter-intuitive but the more I fully live from my core and my soul Divine connection, the more I see we don’t need to shield. At least, we don’t need to shield in the way more books on psychic abilities describe or advocate. In fact, the more I think about and listen to the words people use to describe their sensitivities and how they need to be protected the more irritated I get because the fear and pain are so evident in their words, yet they would rather hide away hoping the world will leave them alone or find a way through all the walls they have built between themselves and the world to give them the abundance they seek.
But it won’t. It can’t.
The world won’t stop just because we have sensitivities and feel overloaded, overstimulated. The world isn’t capable of stopping because we want to be left alone, because we’re afraid of the next bout of negativity. There is only so far removed from the world that we can make ourselves. There is only so much struggle we can create for ourselves by not accepting who are. Too many times, has this reliance on shielding backfired on me before I understood my true nature. I figured out that I am not meant to be contained, hiding, afraid. I work best when interacting with others, the energy I have and generate needs the outlet of others. I only bottle myself up when I try to strengthen the shields to keep the chaos at bay, I can’t actually stop bad things from happening or from other’s saying mean, spiteful things.
I am no more special, advanced, or needed than you.
So, please, believe me when I say there comes a point where hiding is no longer an option, a point where we become ready to live in our own light.
And this is why we don’t need to shield. We are healers when it comes right down to bare bones. Maybe we aren’t all Reiki practitioners herbalists, or crystal healing practitioners, but we are meant to heal. And we cannot do that from the space of victimhood or hiding away. We cannot do that behind heavy shields that keep us from experiencing the truth and power of reality and Truth. The walls only keep us from the Divine, and from the LOVE we all need.
The Truth is, my amazing ones, is that we don’t need shielding because by simply existing and breathing we are a force of light and healing. We don’t need a shield because our true nature, when we connect to the Divine and the world around us, our love and compassion, are more powerful than any pain or struggle that we can experience.
We need to turn the volume up on ourselves, our souls, our essence.
Our love.
Our compassion.
Sure there are times and situations when we need actual spiritual protection. But when we’re walking down the grocery store trying to tune out and protect ourselves from those who feel harsh, abrasive, down in the dumps and so forth, we don’t need shields. We need to realize these are people in pain. And instead of feeling their pain and pushing their pain away, we need to come back to center. Come back to the calm, stillness inside of SOUL, and use our Divine connection to raise the vibe, raise the volume on soul, and raise the love around us.
If you are ready to raise your vibe and live from your true essence, then considering starting that change with a conversation with me! I hold space for 4 women a month, who are ready to embrace their soul purpose and power. If this is you, if you resonate with this, if you feel your soul longing to say “Yes, please!”, then click on the link to fill out an application for a free discovery session!