Are you Ready to feel Activated Again?

Dive Deep into the Akashic Realms and Emerge Renewed. Emerge ACTIVATED: Connect to limitless possibilities for growth and success. Fill up on motivation and inspiration, feel ready to take on any challenge with purpose and intention Trust in the powerful force within you and believing in yourself. Radiate with inner peace, confidence, and power. Get ACTIVATED today!

Haven't you waited long enough to feel good or clear again?

Whether it was from a loss, a divorce, an unexpected life shift or maybe you’ve just reached a certain point in a life full of caring for others where you don’t recognize yourself anymore. All you really know is that you feel you’ve lost something.

Maybe it feels like you lost your confidence, your mojo, or your direction. In all cases, it feels sucky, heavy, monotonous and maybe even like you are all bottled up and don’t know how to release the pressure. 

You feel something is getting ready to shift and it HAS to because you are sick of feeling so up in your head that you manifest jack and shit allowing the downward spiral to continue.

Witch, Lightworker, Starseed, Magick Bringer, 

It’s time get some help!

You know you were meant for more

You feel the magick, energy, sense the things unseen, hear the whispers on the wind, and catch glimpses of the grand plan in your everyday life. 

A life where…

  • You stand tall, looking in the mirror with clear eyes that radiate confidence. You understand your value and wear it like a cloak of strength.
  • Your intuitive powers amplify,  allowing you to make swift, informed, and empowering decisions.
  • Every aspect of your being, from your mind to your spirit, feels united and in harmony, allowing a deep sense of peace.
  • You wake up every morning refreshed, ready to face the day with zest and zeal.
  • The floodgates of creativity open. Every idea flows effortlessly, turning into tangible actions and outcomes.
  • Your newfound confidence and alignment make you an energetic magnet. The right doors will finally open.
  • Communication barriers diminish, understanding deepens, and trust strengthens, allowing nourishing relationships to deepen.
  • You step into your power, embodying a sense of authority and influence in every sphere of your life.
  • The mind-body-spirit connection fortifies, leading to better vitality, sharper mental clarity, and a radiant aura.
  • Stress-induced disorders, and imbalances correct themselves.
  • By accessing insights from the Akashic realm, you form a bridge between your higher self and the 3D world around you, a sacred state of being that will allow you to mold your future legacy.


Don't let guilt keep you from soaring!

Healing is about finding yourself, the BIG You, the soul you, who lights up the room and fuel your joy and passion, so you can move forward to your dreams with confidence, clarity, and unhindered. When you feel hurt or scared, your energy contracts, but if you run on fear for too long, you can forget what healthy energy states feel like. I can help you expand your energies, find confidence, peace, and gusto in life again. I will hold compassionate healing space to help you bring your power back into your present moment so that you could accept the invitation to play with new energy safely. 

It's time to get your energy back through

Energy Clearing Channeled messages Akashic Guidance Light Language Reiki Sound Healing

Are you currently experiencing a challenging awakening journey or do you feel like you’re stuck? It’s easy to assume that the Universe is against you when you face interruptions, challenges, or tests. However, do not let guilt, shame, or fear get the best of you.

You have the power to turn the situation around. You have the ability to tap into your inner being and rise above these obstacles.

If you’re feeling lost or unsure of where to start, don’t worry. You don’t have to do it alone. My skills, guides, and techniques are here to help you reclaim your power, regain your flow, and sense of self. Together, we can create the life you’ve always wanted to live. Let’s rock your world!

Dive Deep into the Akashic Realms and Emerge Renewed. 

  • Connect to limitless possibilities for growth and success.
  • Fill up on motivation and inspiration, feel ready to take on any challenge with purpose and intention
  • Trust in the powerful force within you and believing in yourself.
  • Radiate with inner peace, confidence, and power.

Get ACTIVATED today!

Let your mojo and confidence out again!

By calling your power back to the present moment, you will have the energy to sense your alignment clearer, feel confident in your ability to make choices for yourself again, and to enjoy the life you are building.

Get your energy and passion back!

By calling your power back to the present moment, you be able to feel your sense of direction and purpose again, which frees up your energy to focus on your passion and mission once more.

Client Love

The personal time I received was such a Wonderful & positive experience! I was informed of what I needed to hear and apply into my Life! I Definitely say, you won’t be disappointed. ~Love & Light


I knew this all along but couldn’t bring myself to feel into it, own it and admit it out loud. I was a great excuse maker! I’ve taken responsibility for that, and I’m so joyed to report this past weekend I actually had a paying customer for a reading! I get paralyzed with fear and overwhelm, when I don’t grasp what I’m doing. You were sent to me, you have gone above the fear, I am behind you, learning. Not one person in my family ever really “made it” so to speak, I am the first to rise above the fear, I am the first to listen to the guidance and actually do something with it. I wouldn’t be shining if it wasn’t for all your loving, generous, patient help! You are an amazing woman!


What happens during an ACTIVATED session?

Dive Deep into the Akashic Realms and Emerge Renewed. Emerge ACTIVATED: Connect to limitless possibilities for growth and success. Fill up on motivation and inspiration, feel ready to take on any challenge with purpose and intention Trust in the powerful force within you and believing in yourself. Radiate with inner peace, confidence, and power. Get ACTIVATED today!

Are you ready to experience your pure authentic self?

In our session, we will take a journey to unlock your deepest potential. Through finding calmness and centering, we will open your heart space so you can connect with the Master-teachers and helpers.

Guidance from the Master-teachers and helpers will be unique to you, as there is no one way to heal and advise all people. However, as a channel, I will serve as a conduit during this reading, allowing you to experience new insights and receive clearings that will remove outdated beliefs and blockages.

After the reading, you may notice shifts in your life and circumstances. Don’t be surprised if these changes lead to a greater understanding of your true self. Remember, this journey is about discovering your full potential, and each step along the way is something worth celebrating.

You will receive a recording of your session, with an opportunity to ask follow-up questions. Let’s get ready to experience a new level of wisdom and healing today!

Even More Client Love

My Akashic record reading session with  Lindsay was absolutely amazing. She was able to give very detailed answers to my questions. The messages came through fluently. I am grateful for this opportunity.

Erika K.

My Akashic Records session with Lindsay was beyond amazing.  I have been working on my spiritual development for a few years but have never had an Akashic Record reading.  I was looking for clarification of thoughts and experiences on my journey and Akashic Records is one thing I have not tried but curious about!  I was anxious about what I may discover but Lindsay’s presence is very calming.  At the very moment of grounding, I felt intense vibration energy.  I feel energy very intensely so I knew higher powers were with us. The moment the reading began, I knew it was coming from guides who knew me well.  It opened my eyes to things I didn’t put at the forefront of my healing.  It also confirmed many things that I have discovered and questioned in my quest.    Lindsay is an amazing Channel and I highly recommend her!  Thank you Lindsay Peters Baldassano  

Kim M.

Wow!! Your sessions are really opening doors here to things I totally forgot! Things I never thought affected me are clearing on their own now. This is amazing! I have to say mine was amazing!! You are definitely blessed with this opportunity to work with Lindsay.

Andrea D. 

I had my akashic records read today by Lindsay Peters Baldassano and it was the best experience I’ve ever had. I had so much weight on me before the reading and the worst migraines for weeks. But all during my reading I could feel the migraine melt away and the stress lift. I got the confirmation I needed about the path I was on and guidance on what I need to be doing to reach alignment. My gifts were confirmed along with frustration that I had been feeling. I feel renewed and optimistic after my reading today. Thank you so much Lindsay!!!!

Carrie N.


Who am I?

Through my work as an Akashic practitioner, Reiki M-T, High dimensional energy worker, sound healer, Priestess, Channel, and even occasional medium, I am constantly amazed by the healing capabilities that exist within me and the world around me.

Beyond my spiritual journey, I am a proud mother of three and a rebellious grandmother. I have pursued diverse interests in archaeology, history, and even paranormal investigations. My passion for exploring the unknown and understanding the wonders of the world has led me to a life of fulfillment and adventure.

I hope to inspire others to follow their own path, connect with their spiritual selves, and live a life filled with joy and laughter. Join me in this journey of self-discovery and embrace the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Have Questions?
No problem! Ask us anything

Working with the Akash, guides, and energy healing, can find Biblical support for some denominations. 

However, I personally am a Pagan Witch. So my personal work reflects those values and beliefs. 

It depends on the work that needs to be done, as defined by you. 

I am an excellent catalyst. So there are times when, yes, one session is all you need to get things rolling again. 

But with my versatility of skills and experiences, I can also be an excellent intuitive abilities personal couch or even an awakening mentor.

Any longer packages for sessions are completely up to your discretion and budget. I will never hound, cajole, or scare you into working with me.

Of course!

I will even send you a digital certificate which you can send them, so they know how to claim their session.

But I can’t force anyone to use their session. All healing and records work has to be be done with full permission and consent by the party being read for.

After purchasing the session, you will re-directed to a page with the booking link. You will also get an email with the booking link in it. Be sure to check your spam folders!

You have up to 3 months from the time of purchase to book your session.

You will receive email reminders for any unused sessions you have paid for.

You will receive an email before your session with more tips to prepare for your session. 

But it’s good to be clear on what question or topic you would like to bring up in your session.

While that will be the focus on of our session, the Masters-Teachers and other Guides might need to address something you did not think to focus on. A lot of times, this will be related to your question or the root cause of what needs to be moved or healed at that moment in time.

You can email me one related to your session question after our session, within a week of the session. 

Any additional (not related questions) will require a new session.

Once we get on video together, I will start the recording.

From there I will help guide you into an open, clear, and receptive state. 

You can then ask your question or bring up your topic.

My guides, Masters-teachers, and other Guides will then offer channeled messages, healings, and whatever else is needed to move you toward a more whole and ready to move forward space. 

You can ask my guides directly for more clarity or follow up questions. I will keep the soul records and guide connection open for twenty minutes, so you can have a conversation about your topic.

Once the twenty minutes are up, I will close the records and let the connection to Guides go. We can then talk about what you received and any questions you might have.

Stuff happens. Kids get sick, repairmen have to make emergency calls. Sometimes you just aren’t in the right space to have your scheduled session.

I allow for 3 reschedules, so if something comes up, send me a message or email at least two hours before your session.

If you don’t notify me you need to reschedule, you will still get reminder emails about an unused session, but the no-show will count toward your 3 reschedules. 

What level of support and breakthrough are you ready for?

1 Session

Monthly Subscription of 1 session

Intensive Breakthrough package

© copyright Super Secret Powers 2023