Queen of your inner realms circle for intuition development for wild witchy women
Queen of your inner realms circle for intuition development, confidence and vitality

The Queen of your Inner Realms Circle

Embrace Your Inner Queen! Join this Sacred Circle of Intuitive and Empathic Empowerment!

The doors are opening soon!!
Apply today to secure your place!

The Samhain door has closed! But get on the waitlist!

3 month commitment required.

Scroll down to see more payment options.

What's this all about?

Ever wished you had a one-stop spot for all your intuitive, magical, and lightworking needs? A place where you can just be you and shine bright? That’s what our ‘Queen of Your Inner Realms’ circle is all about!

Step into Your Power: Want to Awaken the Intuitive Queen Within?

Queen of your inner realms circle. Are you ready to embrace your intuition? What if you had everything you needed to be the flowing, magickal, intuitive, lightworking, beacon of light all in one place?

Join Our Mission of Magick and Healing: Find Your Tribe, Live your soul mission!

Let’s face it: life can be a rollercoaster, especially when you feel everything so deeply.

But guess what? Your spiritual awakening is here to turbo-charge your intuition and empathy. Life isn’t just happening; it’s happening for you!

Here's the thing...

If you're all about embracing your wild, witchy, intuitive self, this is where you need to be. Without tapping into your intuition and soul alignment, life’s ups and downs hit harder. We're here to change that.

And if you know in your heart, you were meant to be a wild witchy, intuitive, lightworking kind of soul…then this is the membership for you!

3 month commitment required

Discover a Community Where Your Soul does a happy dance!

Member Testimonial

Kym- Member of Queen of your Inner Realms

I knew this all along but couldn’t bring myself to feel into it, own it and admit it out loud. I was a great excuse maker! I’ve taken responsibility for that, and I’m so joyed to report this past weekend I actually had a paying customer for a reading! I get paralyzed with fear and overwhelm, when I don’t grasp what I’m doing. You were sent to me, you have gone above the fear, I am behind you, learning. Not one person in my family ever really “made it” so to speak, I am the first to rise above the fear, I am the first to listen to the guidance and actually do something with it. I wouldn’t be shining if it wasn’t for all your loving, generous, patient help! You are amazing women!

There is always something going in our community to light your soul up!

At least 3 live sessions a month
Uplifting Support
All sorts of support at your finger tips
Lots of ways to engage
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The Queen of your Inner Realms circle will have you flowing and confident faster than the daily news can bring you down, with our:

The Membership Vault

This is the kind of wisdom you can go back to time and time again. Included with this course are practical techniques for discernment, building a practice authentic to you and your abilities, and creating a meditation practice that actually works with you.

Monthly Gathering of the Sovereign Healers call

If you have a question about what's going in your spiritual world, a crazy dream, a hard to interpret reading for yourself, or an odd experience hop on the call and tell us all about it. With all of our combined experience, you will be sure to get some gems your can use to get clearer guidance.

Howl at the Full Moon rituals

This is our monthly get together around the Full Moon where we take up a "hot seat" to speak our release of the energies we've been working on and building up since the New Moon. Then we sink the energies of the Full Moon, allowing healing and magick to become embodied in our lives.

New Moon Guidance sling and intention setting

This is our monthly get together around the New Moon where we each grab our decks, pendulums, or whatever tool or technique you jive with, read for each other and work on our intentions together.

Special events for Seasonal Sabbats and holidays

Celebrate the holidays of Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasa, and Mabon with us. What work, even if it's magick, without community time to rest, reflect, heal and come together?

While inclusive, this isn't for everyone...

The Queen of your Inner Realms circle is a melting pot of Cultures, Beliefs, and Spiritual Journeys. Like the finest stew, each flavor note adding to richness of the experience. However, hate and superiority are some flavors that just don’t go in our stew or community. If you think you have the one and only answer, you’re better off starting your own group.

This community is geared toward serving the pagan community. So if you’re not cool with communication with Goddesses, spellwork, communication with ETs or the dead, or the treatment of all tools as equal (Ouija haters, I’m looking at you), then I’m sure there are other communities for you. 

3 month commitment required

Client Testimonial


The personal time I received was such a Wonderful & positive experience! I was informed of what I needed to hear and apply into my Life! I Definitely say, you won’t be disappointed. ~Love & Light

Is this resonating with you?

Ever feel blessed to work with someone?


Wow!! Your sessions are really opening doors here to things I totally forgot! Things I never thought affected me are clearing on their own now. This is amazing! I have to say mine was amazing!! You are definitely blessed with this opportunity to work with Lindsay.

This isn't just another membership full of woo fluff.

At the "Queen of Your Inner Realms," we believe in the transformative power of intuitive and Empathic connection and the healing and strength that comes from a community of like-minded souls. Our ethos is rooted in three fundamental pillars:
Empowerment, Unity, Skills, and Spiritual Awakening.
In this circle, you are not just joining a membership; you are stepping into a realm where your sacred heart leads the way. Together, we explore, we grow, and we rise - as individuals and as a collective.

Unleashed 5 day masterclass Unleash your soul self and your intuition so you can become the Queen of your inner realm

A space like the Queen of your Inner Realms circle helps you:

3 month commitment required

You need facilitators and a community more interested in you than dogma, superstition, or their ego!


Excellent, loving , caring, and helpful group in many ways .....Lindsay is the most amazing, awesome, wise and has much knowledge And she will help you on your path and journey.

Can you do this on your own?


But why would you to choose to

when you could have support AND a diverse community?

Meet Andrea and Lindsay

Andrea from a soul's journey with Andrea

I used to be the Queen of deflection

Let me tell ya, between my stepdad, the custody battle, and all the ghosts I saw in my childhood, I ending up marrying the first dude who seemed like he could protect me from the world. Because of my empathic abilities, I felt like I had morphed into one of those chameleon lizards. You know? The kind that blend into their environment so they don’t get caught.

I became the Queen of deflection: fixating on someone else at fault or feeling sorry for myself to the point of paralysis. Problem was, I just didn’t trust anything that came outta myself. I felt perpetually on guard against negativity and attacks, because I didn’t believe I could handle any conflict.

My divorce and my move to New York with my mom were what made me realize that I needed to stop second-guessing every little thing and start taking up the reigns of my life, like the Queen I wanted to be.

In my years of working in the classroom with Autistic Children, I learned that everyone comes to this life from their own unique perspective. There is no shame in having to figure out how you work, in fact it’s the most empowering journey you can take.

After my move, I HAD to figure myself out again, without all the influences that destroyed my confidence and self-trust. I started doing in-home pet setting, which now allows me to live a spiritual nomad lifestyle, the first step in my becoming! 

Lindsay Baldassano of Super Secret Powers. Embrace Your Intuitive Power! Start Journey of Self-Discovery to Confidence, Wisdom, and Healing.

I never belonged anywhere

Sure, I look all normal in the pic above. But I’ve seen apparitions and other entities in the woods. I’ve had Mithra come and visit for a while, dreams where Spider woman came to initiate me and where my alien family came to take me home, I’ve channeled all sorts of beings, and of course I love my crystal friends.

I didn’t come to my path through workshops or gurus. I’ve always had abilities, even if I didn’t always recognize them, and so my path is was one of self-preservation and a willingness to take one adventure into spirit after another.

And it’s been a crazy road, with divorce, foreclosure, panic attacks, and a house fire. But no matter what, spirit has led me where I go.

Along the way I made it point of pride to follow that beat to my own drum. But over the course of my path, the biggest lesson was my same-ness. That same-ness showed me just how connected I was to others, even if I never really saw myself as people person.ᅠ Even if I at some points in life I pushed away people because I had to do it MY way or felt I wasn’t understood, so why stick around.

As I stepped into the idea of leading a coven, spirit unfolded a shit load of lessons for me about what leadership, acceptance, and validation really looked and felt like, what being part of something actually meant.ᅠ

I am so proud to get this membership off the ground and at how, by trusting another, it’s grown so much larger and more real than I could have done alone with my guides.

There are 5 ways to learn in the Queen of your Inner Realms circle.

Because we know that each of learns and experiences things differently, because we think neurodiversity and intuitive sensitivity goes hand in hand, we offer all sorts of types of learning materials. And if you need something in another format, just ping out to us!

This circle goes way beyond 101... Member Testimonial

Melinda- Member of the Queen of your Inner Realms

I'm not used to groups going deep! Oh man, I should have known bc my friend referred me, but, I'm added to Spiritual groups all the time & most are nonsense (sorry to anyone that offends, it's true tho)...this is a REAL group! This is a truly real amazing group No ! Nonsense here at all !

Welcome to "Queen of Your Inner Realms" Knowledge chamber.
Your journey to empowerment, unity, skills and spiritual awakening awaits.
Here's a sneak peak into everything already in the membership vault

Queen of your inner realms circle lesson preview. Trust your intuition course.

Newly Added Courses for 2024

And because this is our mission and not just something we do to make a buck, everyone who joins gets these bonuses...

cosmic navigation yearly bundle

While these are all separate resources and courses by Super Secret Powers, we feel these courses and resources will be essential to your journey. But there is so much more to come.

Being a member give you input into what we create, what direction we lean into and innovative way to offer the support you need!

Uniquely tailored for the wild, witchy, intuitive woman, our community is a hidden gem where empowerment meets mystical wisdom.

Winter 2024

get access to all of our juicy membership perks

Spring 2024
fast Action Bonus for the 1st 10 people!

Ever wondered what’s blocking your intuition from shining like the superstar it is? Let’s dive deep. Fill out a quick form, share your concerns and blocks, and I’ll tune in with some channeling and light language magic. You’ll get a personal video from me with all the insights and a dash of energy work to help clear the way. It’s like having a backstage pass to your own spiritual concert

Your Payment Options


You can choose to pay by the month at $35  a month for the life of your membership. This is a monthly subscription.

3 Months

You can also choose to pay in full for the three month term at  $99. This is a subscription.

Pay in full for 1 year

You can also choose to pay in full for a full year at  $388. This is a subscription.

Big Action Bonus!!

A free Akashic session with Lindsay! Value $144

Your choice between a  Return to Power session or a Flow with your intuition session. 

Personalized package

If you would like the opportunity to work with Lindsay through Akashic “Return to Power” session or “Flow with your Intuition” sessions, we can arrange a special price for you. 


After your 3 month commitment you can email Lindsay about pausing or canceling your subscription. No questions asked. After cancellation we might ask you to do an anonymous survey for quality control.

The time commitment is completely up to you. All live rituals and videos are done with replay viewers in mind. 

All membership vault materials are for completing at your own pace.

Just email Lindsay after the initial payment goes through and we can arrange to have the billing go on a date of your choice.

While we do not normally issue refunds, as per our terms and conditions, and the fact that you have received services and content, we do realize that life throws us curve balls or that sometimes things aren’t what we thought they were. Email Lindsay to see if your case qualifies for a special circumstance refund.