Need to master tech and get serious about your spiritual business and profits?

Welcome to the Mystik Web Society, where we demystify the digital realm and empower you to craft a website and online presence that truly supports you!

Join us, to transform your tech trepidations into scared AND profitable digital expression.

Lindsay Baldassano, a spiritual entrepreneur, at a cafe with a mocha and her laptop, working on her website. She the founder of the Mystik Web Society for small business owners who need to learn the tech to make their web presence shine and make profit.

You started this path with a vision: to live authentically, share your healing gifts, and work your magick while creating a life and business you love. Your Brand is so much more than just another slapped together cookie cutter site or a collection of someone else’s templates. 

the world needs your success, so join the mystik web society
How long have you been wondering when…

Ever think you just aren't cut out for being a spiritual entrepreneur because you struggle to keep up with all the tech and changes?

Whether you are just starting your dream business or have been building but still need support, a website can be crucial component to your business growth and success.

It’s the piece that will help you automate payments, so you CAN get paid to take the time meditate.

It’s the piece that is going to speak for you, when you aren’t available at 3am to talk to someone needed your product or service.

 It’s hard to know just how amazing your web presence could be if you had the help to get it done.

You look at all these other great websites and think “that must have cost thousands to make” and that having a engaging and well designed site is out of your league. Maybe you’ve even convinced yourself that you will never be able to compete in that way, so you don’t even try. 

Tech, websites, and marketing are sacred forms of expression, tap into the mindset in the Mystic Web Society
so get the tech and mindset shifts you need in the mystik web society
Your Brand is your dream, right?

Being a business owner of any kind take a strong, tenacious spirit, especially if you might be on the compassionate side. It requires you believe in yourself and your dreams harder, firmer, more resolutely than ever before. 

You finally get your courage up, your pictures together, find the hours it took to write product page or description, spent weeks tweaking the product development.

And then…

The tech you bought into is so proprietary or detailed you can’t integrate it with anything else, so you’re stuck with this one piece that is so hard to work in your favor you want to throw it out the window, but can’t because you invested so much time and money into that product line or instant business opportunity.

Maybe you logged into your marketplace business account and found a million fees you can’t pay because you didn’t know you had to unclick a checkbox.

Maybe you logged into the account and found you got banned because there was a trademark violation against your bestseller, when every aspect of your product was uniquely created…and you couldn’t get timely support and started losing sales. 

Maybe your marketplace host just one day changed all the rules and put all their seller support to AI bots. 

Or maybe you did start your own site, but never got far with it because you realized you needed to learn a bunch of other skills you didn’t feel confident about.

All of those situations can be dream killers…or at least delayers. 

I believe your spiritual business deserves better. You shouldn’t have to navigate a gauntlet of hidden fees, subpar software, and integration nightmares just to share your magick with the world. It’s time to tap into your magick and make your success happen!

Still not convinced you need a website or tech to run a soulful business?

For Brick and Mortars shops, it's a whole extra line of income!
30% of small businesses with a website generate more than 25% of their revenue online. From Epos Now.
Don't leave your potential customers unable to purchase!
99% of consumers use the internet to discover and find local businesses. From Epos Now.
Don't let Google recommedations or templated websites decide how your business looks.
75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company's credibility based on its website design. From Epos Now.
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Without a site or presence, your are leaving a lot of money on the table that could be supporting the heart and profits of your business.

What other options do you really have?

Social Media Shops

Social media shops aren't seen as trustworthy or stable enough to make consistent purchases from by most of the world yet. But the social media shops have the same rule changes and shenanigans, every other selling site out there is prone to....unless it's owned by YOU!

Flooded marketplaces

They sell you dreams of owning your own business and building consistent sales based on the traffic they generate for you.....then eat into your profits with fee after fee, change the rules, never let you be a real business because you always have to promote their business first. In other words you are working for THEM and not for your own future.

Payment processor sites

Oh, we see you want to sell products and be able to have basic email, crm, and other essential shop functions? Here let us upgrade you to death for things you get anywhere else as standard on a website...why? Because we control the software, that's why.

Template website builders

Easy website builders are expensive versions of half a website, where the real nuts of bolts of what you need are "graciously" offered behind upcharges!

Every three seconds, a new website is launched.

Privately built and developed websites still are the best sources of authority and trust building out there.

Creating your own powerful website and online presence is taking your power, money, reputation, and basic ability to serve your customers BACK!

So I created the
Mystik Web Society!

Because my brilliant readers, healers, and witchy crafters, you deserve to be able to build your dream business and control your own business destiny.

Become a Website Wizard!

Learn to create a wordpress website from hosting to launching, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

Grow your design skills

Design everything from header graphics, content graphics, to profitable sales pages.

Work at your own pace

We have weekly Q&A’s and Group Support, as well as a stuffed to the gills content library.

Network and collaborate with other like-minded business owners

While not everyone is at the same stage in their website creation or business, we can all learn from each other experiences and build bridges that will help grow all of our audience’s. 

Not everyone has the support they need to undertake big dreams. Don't let that be you!

I was lucky. My husband taught me everything he knew about websites, starting with html and css. He was there every step of the way, as graduated in my skills from basic design to PHP sites, and then finally had to teach him the ins and outs of WordPress.
But not everyone has that.

And that is why I’m creating this once and for all.

I believe in teaching the skills they need to go after their own success story.

I believe empowering people to grow beyond their own imposed limitations.

I believe in finding your genius even in the unlikeliest of places…at least that is what your mind might be telling about your tech skills right now.

Isn’t it time you unleashed your genius, your essence, your mission so that you can finally take that deep breath, knowing you can trust yourself. 

One of the best things about The Mystik Web Society...

I completely get your business needs, because I'm just like you, just tech-ier.

I completely get that is your baby, your passion, the vocation you feel connected to deep down in your in sacred sacral and in the patterns of your unique energy.

I completely get that your brand represents more than just a service or product, but an ethos, a an anchored Divine practice. 

And I also get that learning to flip the script on how you talk about your business in order to make sales is challenging. Been there, always working on that. 

But that’s what makes a membership such an ideal solution. Your messaging, your brand visuals, the offers you choose to run, it’s always changing. Always a creative project. In this membership, you will find like minded souls who are eager to take a look at your pages, channel some copy, and get excited about what your working on. 

And you get Q&A’s with me, so you have a set of eyes to keep you steady on your brand. 

bust tech trepidations and stress with the Mystik Web Society
Why trust me?

I know I don’t exactly look like your typical web nerd. 

I went from witchy woman to techno mage because of my husband’s help and support. And patience…lots of patience.

When my husband passed away from Cancer, I had to deep dive into what skills I was valuing and using and what I deeply cared about. 

In my regular offerings I offer healing, intuitive training, and things more woo. But for over 10 years I’ve been building websites. Not just for my own businesses, but for non-profits, friends, local pagan groups. I even won a website design award from the Society for Creative Anachronism for the website I put together for my local tri state newcomer’s liason office. 

I am building this, because this what I do. I get excited about building sales pages and tinkering with AI and design.

And I am doing this to honor my husband. He taught and empowered me. He empowered so many people to find ways to learn. We built our household on these principles. 

And now I built this to empower spiritual business owners who are brave enough to build their dreams.

This is Founder's Invitation for a brand new membership...

And it’s by application only.

What you're not going to find in the Mystick Web Society...


There is so much spiritual advice out there, it's crazy knowing what to trust. Do i need to be more feminine?? Do I need to an Alpha boss Bitch? Do I need to be all woo, all the time? Am I manifesting the "right way". This is the marketing that inspires imposter syndrome and makes us doubt ourselves. YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!

The one Way

Because there is no such thing. A business can be built any way it needs to be built. All methods CAN be learned and work...but the big question is, do you want to use that method? Does it make sense for YOUR business or soul mission?


No one needs that drama. I hate drama.

Holier than thou attitudes

No one's shit is stinkier than anyone else's. No one's marketing should be shaming other paths or beliefs.

mystik web society is awesome!!

I'm not promising it will be easy or fast. But it's going to sooo worth it.

I am promising you:

  • All the trainings you need to an amazing website, controlled by you, that supports your profits, impact, and business structure.
  • All the support you need to keep you motivated, have your questions answered (or at least where to look), ensure you understand the tech.
  • The savvy experience to recognize that like you, your website and presence is something that has to grown organically and to cheer you on as surpass your expectations of what you could achieve.
  • And I’m making these promises at a fraction of the cost of having it “done for you”, which surprising but true actually still requires a lot of work on your part.

When you’re accepted and invest in the Mystik Web Society, you’ll get instant access to…

Mystik Web Society


5 Full courses, hours of content broken down into short focused lessons to keep you taking action.

Workbooks, trackers, and checklists

Handy dandy reference sheets, my Branding Magick Booklet, Essential Tools for Solopreneurs booklet, content planners, checklists, and soo much more to keep your learning organized and you taking action.

Live Q&A's and hotseats

Get your questions answered in real time and have the ability to do screen shares, get feedback, show me errors, and get your doubts busted!

Mindset, Energy practices, and Meditations

Unleash your Inner Priestess Daily Manifestation Meditation - Meditation for Release and Healing- Tap into your conscious creator These meditations will keep your energy clear and focused, allowing you to move past your limited beliefs around your money, your success, and your worth.

learn to love tech to love your spiritual business with the Mystik Web Society

Websites don't have to cost your first born child.

But what are your real options for having a site that reflects you and your Brand and your Dream without emptying your bank account or making you look unprofessional?

  • Hiring cousin Eddie to put together a site about a niche he knows nothing about can damage your reputation and repel your ideal clients.
  • Hiring a big company to do it for you can cost a lot and only give you basic results, cookie cutter at that, and still repel your ideal customer.
  • Hiring a professional to just build a sales page for you can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars…I’m not exaggerating!

You know it’s time to GET IT DONE!

And you know you can’t do it alone.

the mystik web academy for spiritual entrepreneurs

What's included in the Society Membership?

That’s Thousands of dollars worth of trainings, priceless support, and investment in your business.

Start for as low as $55/month

6 mos monthly payment

$110/month for 6 months

1 year monthly payment

$55 month for 12 months

1 yr pay in full

That's 10% off!

Because I want to ensure this is a safe space.

So many witchy entrepreneurs struggle with imposter syndrome and the witch wound, that visibility is something they really need to build their courage up for. We strive to keep this space drama free, supportive, and free from predatory and bullying behaviors.

Because I want to get to know you and your business before we get into details.

Not all coaching or business advice is going to work for every single person. Me taking the time to ensure you are in the right space for you and that we are a fit, is me respecting your time and money, as well my boundaries.

Because this is about community as much as it's about learning.

There are some pretty toxic behaviors we can pick up from being the wrong business and social groups for us. And that can impact how we think of ourselves as able to be social or have deeper relationships. And in business relationships are a real and true NEED. I strive to be able to give you a very different experience than in other groups, because I want to be able to feel a deeper level of acceptance and belonging, so that you can form lasting business relationships and friendships.

Why do you have an application?


Most frequent questions and answers

This membership is for witchy people who are some kind of reader, healer, or shop owner. Doesn’t matter whether you have a website and need to rebrand and work on your web presence or if you are starting completely from scratch. There are trainings for EVERYTHING you will need, the hot seats to get you started or inspired, and the community to remind you that you CAN do this. 

While everyone should be in the manifestation and planning game to win in, if you feel you can’t use the course within 7 days of purchase, you can email me at for a full refund.

Once you complete your payment, you will have lifetime access to the membership vault and all the trainings, including additions and upgrades. 

With your purchase you get 6 mos. of the Mystik Web society support group so that you can have time and space to immediately amplify your business presence. No other fees from me.

Once the 6 mos are up you can choose to renew your support group membership or not. But you can also come and go as you please to give you time and space to rebrand or take on other tech projects to scale your business.

Your course access will be granted immediately after signing up.

Once you have signed up, you’ll be sent a “welcome e-mail” with access to your virtual program.

Please note that due to the way e-mail servers work, it could take up to 15 minutes to receive your welcome e-mail. And if for any reason it gets lost in cyberspace, you can send an e-mail to and my team will get right back to you within 24-48 business hours (usually sooner).

Here is everything in the membership vault thus far...

Mystik Web Society How do I build a wordpress website for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I brand my witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I build a wordpress website for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I design a wordpress website for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I launch a website for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I do social media and email marketing for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I write a sales page for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services
Mystik Web Society How do I use AI for witch shops, tarot readings, and healing services

Don’t let this year be another year you hide from your business power and potential, create your supportive, profitable, and empowering web presence with the Mystik Web Society for just

Start for as low as $55/month!!